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Relationships and Sexuality Education 2022

The Welsh Government believes that all young people should have the right to access information that keeps them safe from harm. This includes learning about healthy relationships, keeping safe including online, and being confident to raise issues with responsible adults. Parents, of course, have a central role to play in this. But there is also a crucial role for schools - especially in a world where there is so much information, including misinformation and harmful materials, circulating online. Schools create safe and empowering environments and the new Curriculum for Wales will build on and promote this. This is why Welsh Government is making RSE a statutory requirement in the new curriculum in Wales, which will be introduced from 2022.

RSE will need to be developmentally appropriate for children and young people – for example a child in the Foundation Phase is currently taught about relationships with parents, family and friends. This will continue. The aim is to gradually build learners knowledge, skills and ethical values as they develop. We want them to have the tools to be able to understand how relationships, sex, gender and sexuality shape their own and other people’s lives: but only at the appropriate times and ages. This includes recognising, understanding and speaking out about discrimination and violence and know how and where to seek support and advice on a range of issues.

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