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You are here: Our School > Welcome


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Croeso i Ysgol Gynradd Milton – Welcome to Milton Primary School!

I am pleased to welcome you to our new website and delighted to be able to share the wonderful opportunities and developments at Milton Primary School with you.


Milton Primary School opened in September 2017 following the amalgamation of Milton Infant and Milton Junior Schools. We are a friendly, happy, vibrant and aspirational school that is committed to children’s wellbeing, learning and raising standards.


Our team are highly skilled, supportive and enthusiastic and always put the needs of our children first. They ensure an relevant and engaging curriculum for our learners which fosters a passion for learning, nurtures curiosity and provides children with the knowledge, skills and experiences they need to reach their full potential.


I hope that this website provides you with the information you require. You are more than welcome to arrange a visit and the pupils and staff at Milton would be happy to show you what makes our school such a happy and unique place.


I am extremely proud to be the first Headteacher at Milton Primary School and look forward to working with you in the future.

Warmest regards,


Mrs C Burke





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